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Waking Life (2001) - A Philosophical Journey Through The Astral Plane

Waking Life (2001) is one of my favorite films of all time and is a true work of art. Richard Linklaterk directed this film as well as Dazed and Confused (1993) and Boyhood (2014). Waking Life (2001) is a philosophical journey through the multiple layers of the dream realm and the subconscious mind of the main character.

During his journey the main character discovers that he has tapped into an information source outside of himself. This source or energy is where our instincts orginate and is referred to as the human collective consciousness or the super conscious mind. The Egyptian or Hermetic traditions call this source the akashic records of our ancesters.

This movie discusses the idea of the higher levels of consciousness and is an excellent guide to enable one to recognize the internal changes that are taking place within the human collective as we evolve into the next stage of our consciousness.

I posted a trailor of the film above but you can find full versions of the movie on YouTube.

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