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Chakras ~ The Rainbow Bridge of

Cosmic Consciousness


1st Chakra : Root

color : red

element : earth

energy signature : survival/grounding/finances

location: base of spine, adrenal glands


2nd Chakra : Sacral 

color : yellow

element : water

energy signature : sexuality/connection

location : sex glands

3rd Chakra : Solar Plexus

color : orange

element : fire

energy signature : will/courage/power

location : upper stomach, pancreas

6th Chakra : Third Eye

color : indigo

element : light

energy signature : inner vision/intuition

location : pituitary glad


7th Chakra : Crown

color : violet

element : cosmic energy

energy signature : cosmic consciousness

location : pineal glad


"If you were to simply become creative you would not have a(n) (energetic) blockage."


- Orion Council



4th Chakra : Heart

color : green

element : air

energy signature : unconditional love

location : heart/thymus gland


5th Chakra : Throat

color : blue

element : ether/sound

energy signature : expression/creativity

location : thyroid gland, throat, ears


The word Chakra means energy wheel. The first seven chakras are located within the body and aligned vertically

up the central channel. 


Each Chakra resonates with a specific color and frequency and is associated with an organ or gland in the body. Your consciousness and perception of reality will expand or contract based on which chakras you have open and balanced.


Chakras by

Spirit Science

Energy blockages you feel within yourself can be explained by a blockage in one or mulitple Chakras.


If you are having a difficult time financially you could have an energy blockage in your Root Chakra.


Do you express or repress your sexuality? If you are incapable expressing your sexual energy in a healthy way with your partner or incapable of dispursing that energy through creativity, then you could have Sacral Chakra inbalance.


If you do not feel empowered and confident in yourself, then you could have a blockage in your Solar Plexus..


Do you love yourself and others openly? Do you follow your purpose and heart's desire? You could have a Heart Chakra imbalance if that does not come easily.


If you have a difficult time expressing yourself creatively or being vocal about how you feel, then you could have an imbalance in your Throat Chakra.


Do you have inner vision, intuition, and imagination like you did as a child? If not, you could have an energy blockage in your Third Eye.


Do you feel a connection with your higher self? If not, there could be a blockage in your Crown Chakra.

How to handle an energetic blockage in your personality


1. Meditation and Chakra frequencies


2. Color Therapy - Try wearing the color of the Chakra you want an energy boost in.


3. Food - Consume fruits, veggies, and superfoods that are the same color as the Chakra you want to improve upon. 


4. Crystals - Carry crystals of the Chakra color or of the same frequency to inhance and balance the Chakra. 

Secret Energy > Crystals > Chakra Stones





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