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"True beauty comes from the inside out. It emerges from proper thinking, as well as proper nutrition and exercise."


-David "Avocado" Wolfe

Dave Hall's Cellerciser!



This form of exercise is a full-body, 10 minute a day workout that builds muslce mass and sheds excess weight. Cellercising promotes flexiblilty, balance, strength, and wakefulness. It is effective at improving circulation to the entire body and draining the lymphatic system by the application of increased g-forces against every cell and tissue in the body


 David Wolfe introduced me to Dave Hall, the creator of the Cellerciser, in one of Wolfe's Longevity Now confereneces. Dave Hall is in his mid 50's and is in incredble shape, but Cellercising is the only form of exercise he does. I was immediately sold on the unit and is probably the best purchase I've ever made.


I have been cellercising for a year and am amazed at the results I have seen so far. I've increased muscle mass all throughout my body with minimal effort compared to convential free weight exercises. 


Unless you go to the gym to meet people, why purchase a recurring gym memebership when you do not need to leave your house to get the physical results you want and the benefits you need to increase your health. You are only required to Cellercise for 10 minutes a day to obtain the health benefits so you don't even need to break a sweat. Owning a Cellerciser is like having your own mobil gym. In a few easy steps you can easily pack up your Cellerciser and take it with you anywhere.


When you bounce up into the air you are increasing the weight of gravity on every cell in your body. Then, when gravity pulls you back down you are releasing all the tension in your entire skeletal and muscular system. You will compress and release your entire body up to 100 times a minute. It is a workout on a cellcular level and you'll feel the pressure in the deepest tissues of your body. It will wring you out like a sponge. Get all the crusty crust and barnacles out your system.


It is important to only jump for 10 minutes a day for at least the first few weeks. Listen to your body because you do not want to overwhelm its tissues. Gently introduce the increase in g-forces over time. 


The Cellerciser is first going to strengthen your core and the muscles that hold your organs in place. You want to be gentle with yourself and ease into it before you start cellercising for longer lengths of time. Once your core regains strength and muscle mass, you will start to notice the muscles in your legs, arms, and upper body becoming more defined and toned.

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