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"This is an an abundant universe. Grasp your birthright. Success is a massive abundance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health."


- David "Avocado" Wolfe





Ormus Supergreens - This is the simplest way to get all the organic supergreens your body could need. This incredible superfood mix contains the following organic greens: Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Oat Grass, Spinach, Parsley, Moringa, Ginger Root, Peppermint, Stevia. These plants were grown organically in volcanic ash containing what is know as Ormus elements.


This product by is Sunwarrior is you can save 10% off your purchase of any of their products with


coupon code: save10now




Bountiful Baskets is an Food Co-op stationed all over the United States. Pick up local produce or local organic produce at wholesale price every week at Bountiful Baskets pickup location.


Go to and find a city near you.





CBD Hemp Oil - Hemp contains a group of medicinal compounds known as CBD's. Click the link below to view the CBD rich hemp products.

CBD Rich Hemp Oil Products from


Must to be 18 or older to order


Seeds Now - Non-GMO, Non-Hybrid Seed Bank - Grow your own organic, non-GMO, non-hybrid heirloom garden. This site if full of great advice and customization to your region/climate/season when ordering your seeds. For more information on how and when to grow your own plants refer to this chart.


Save 10% on your order with coupon code: SAVE10NOW




Food Rising - Open source platform to teach people how to use "low-tech" technologies to grow organic food, using only 1/20 the amount of water and a 500% increase in nutritional value of conventional foods. 



Tower Garden - This is another simple way to grow your own food at home.

Ascension Foods

Video by Arcturus Ra

Good Reads: Eat Rigth for your type

Blood Types and You


Who to know: David Wolfe


Monatomic Gold / Ormus






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