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Moldavite - The E.T. Stone Activating Cosmic Consciousness

Moldavite - Stone of Transformation

Many Starseeds have an natural attraction to Moldavite. There are multiple legends of the origin of this enchanting stone known as Moldavite but it is found primarily and almost exclusively in the Czech Republic. Many people believe it is a result of a meteorite crashing down to earth some 14,000,000 years ago melting and combining with the earth's crust.

Who to know : Robert Simons and Dr. Eric Pearl

Make sure to purchase moldavite from a reputable source. I have read online and have heard from multiple sources that fake pieces of moldavite being sold out of China. You will be able to tell if the stone is legitimate just by holding it in your hand. It has a very strong energy signature. Moldavite is one of the 12 Synergy Stones and it will aid you in rediscovering your cosmic consciousness.

Reputable source of Moldavite : 12 Senergy Stones from Secret Energy > crystals > 12 Senergy Stones

"...the current overwhelming consensus among earth scientists is that moldavites were formed about 14,700,000 years ago during the impact of a giant meteorite in present-day Nördlinger Ries."

Starseed Activations by

Starseeds, Indigos, Crystal Kids, Hybrids & E.T.'s

Many souls that are incarnating on the planet at this time claim to be starseeds. If you feel drawn to moldavite you could infact be a starseed yourself.

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