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The Major Arcana of the Tarot - The Fools Journey Through the 22 Archetypes

0 The Fool

I The Magician

II The High Priestess

III The Empress

IV The Emperor

V The Hierophant

VI The Lovers

VII The Chariot

VIII Strength

IX The Hermit

X The Wheel of Fortune

XI Justice

XII The Hanging man

XIII Death

XIV Temperance

XV The Devil

XVI The Tower

XVIII The Star

XVIII The Moon

XIX The Sun

XX Judgement

XXI The World

The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot tell the inner journey of every human being. You can cycle through these archetypes many times throughout your life.

The fools journey is a personified version of your experience here on earth the same way mythologies help us innerstand our internal experience. The 22 major arcana cards in the tarot explain the journey our consciousness cycles through and how we become more adept as we grow and experience life.

Each card in the tarot builds off the next. If you find your consciousness resonates with one particular card or image look to the previous card to understand where you were and look to the next card to see where you are headed.

I feel that when many people read mythologies and cultural stories they forget to relate back all the characters onto themselves. You carry the possiblility of being dealt any card in this lifetime. The Wheel of Fortune card reminds us all of that fact. Therefore you carry the potential to express yourself through love or fear in any moment.

Innerstanding that allows you to transmute the bipolar behaviors by becoming the energy of non-jugement. The all and nothing at the same time. There is no reason to judge the difference between what is "bad" and what is "good" by your cultural and societal filters. The exterior world will always reflect whatever your innerworld is resonating.

You need only to look inside and reflect upon yourself in order to regain balance in the physical plane.

Much love.

"True magic is neither black nor white. It's both because nature is both, loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life gives a balance of its own" (The Craft).

Yesterday I drew the devil inverted in a reading for myself. I really resonated with the message and felt like it was exactly what I needed to hear. Click here to read the message.

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