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"There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres."


- Pythagoras

Sri Yantra


The Sri Yantra is a sacred geometrical representation of Phi and the toroidal field. Try meditating and gaze into the Sri Yantra. You will be amazed at the things you start to see within the image.

More info coming soon!

Phi - is a mathematical sequence that is the representation of the toroidal field, which is a hyperdimensional spiraling, vortex field that resides in and around the bodies of sentient beings. The imprint of this energy field, known as the golden mean or the great spiral, is present in life all over the planet (seashells, pinecones, sunflowers, hurricanes) and all over the human body. The proportions of the bones of the human hand is based on Phi as well as the distance between the fingers in a zig zag pattern - middle finger to ring, to pointer, to pinky, to thumb. The planet has a toroidal field around it that is normally referred to as the earth's magnetosphere. The toroidal field also exists in and around your body with the vortex in your heart center, resonating at 528 Hz.



"Life imitates art."


- Lana Del Rey

You are a Stargate Beloved

Flower of Life - also based on phi and is a 2D representation of a hyperdimensional toroidal field. This shape is the blueprint of all living beings and every shape known to man, from the triangle to the dodecahedron and everything in between.

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